I saw this quote and it resonated deeply with me. I recently had to start over when it comes to plans for a new collection I’m working on. I wanted to launch this collection 1 1/2 years ago, and started working on it with the plan to launch at the beginning of 2024. But life and other more pressing projects got in the way and delayed this collection. At first, I was ok with it because I had a lot going on and didn’t mine things moving slower than I planned. But after life calmed down (a little) and the other projects were done, I refocused on this collection with the hopes of launching by the end of April. Then it was the end of May, and now it’s July and has this collection launched yet? Nope.
My hope, is that I’ll be able to launch the collection soon, but this quote is a reminder that sometimes when I let things flow as they are naturally going to go, it works out a lot better than when I try to force it. I had to start over with my candle testing after my initial test failed miserably and the idea I initially had needed to be reworked. All of these set backs change the timeline but instead of pushing to make a certain timeline, I’m going to take my time and let things flow.
What are you forcing that you should let flow?